Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween!  The kids had so much fun trick or treating in our new neighborhood and meeting more of our new neighbors.  Although, it is definitely different only having 25 trick or treaters compared to the 100 or so that we had last year!  I think Greg may be going into withdrawal not grilling hundreds and hundreds of hot dogs!
Pirate Cooper
 Rainbow Butterfly Princess Reagan
 2 Extra-Cute Kids
 Arrgh, Matey!
 Her wings were flapping in the wind
 They were so funny last night ~ Reagan was the look out and would run to the door to tell Cooper that "visitors" were on their way.  Then,Cooper would answer the door and hand out the candy!
 A few of our neighbors weren't home, so they just left a bowl of candy on the porch and let the kids help themselves!
 Getting candy from Mr Roy across the street
 Cooper's candy was so heavy, he had to have help carrying his loot!
 Using her balance all around the neighborhood
 trying so hard to be patient while waiting
 Look who's giving out candy at our house ~ Gigi
 My sweet trick or treaters
 enjoying the fruits of their labor

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