Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve with Gigi & Bubba

Now that we're back in our home state, we rejoined the tradition of going to Gigi & Bubba's on Christmas eve.  We had a wonderful meal of salad, steak, shrimp, and baked potatoes; and Ginger's famous Apple Pie and Red Velvet cake for dessert.  Then, it was the time the kids had been waiting for...PRESENTS!!!
tear into it!
 a new Lego friend
 a sea scope to explore in the lake
 more magna-tiles to add to his collection
 Candy from Ginger & Alan
 Season Passes to Dollywood & Splash Country
 sweet, sweet girl
 a new game for her Leap Pad
 Cooper got a new game too!
 Candy for Cooper (Holly Jolly, Holly Jolly Christmas!)
 a motorhome!
 so much fun playing together
 Greg & I were there too!
 When we got home, the kids put out food for Santa's reindeer
 found snowflake and his note
Dear Reagan and Cooper,
Today's my last day, I must say good-bye.
Tonight I must go, to the North Pole I'll fly.
But Santa will be here with gifts and good cheer,
and I will be back the same time next year.
So be a good boy and girl, and take care of yourself-
remember the fun times you had with Snowflake the Elf.
But above all else, remember what's true,
That God sent us Jesus, a gift that never leaves you.
set out cookies for Santa
 Cooper was not happy that he couldn't have a cookie!
The kids received so many great gifts tonight ~ rain coats, snow boots (hopefully we'll get to use them soon!), games, toys, season passes.  We are so blessed!
Thanks Gigi, Bubba, Ginger & Alan

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