Thursday, April 10, 2014

Soccer Practice

Finally, after a missed practice and 2 missed games because of rain, we were back out on the soccer field this afternoon.  Cooper did a great job at practice.  He has so much fun no matter what!  (I've missed 3 soccer events, so forgive the abundance of photos...there are many, many that didn't make the blog!)
doing drills
 under the watchful eye of his coach
 they had to dribble their own soccer ball while trying to kick the ball of their friends out of the square
 Cooper plotting his strategy
 Cooper won this game 3 of 6 times they played
 playing fireman
 running hard
 caught in action
 Reagan was there to cheer for Cooper
 intense player!
 scrimmage team yellow
 kicking the ball in
 trying to keep the other team from scoring
 will he score???
 more cheers from Reagan
 kicking a goal
 Go Team!

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