Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cheese! Cows! Wow!

Cooper's class went to Sweetwater Valley Farms today.  They got to see cows - from newly born to the pregnant mamas.  We also watched the cows get fed and milked, then watch & learn how cheese is made, and we also got to sample several flavors of the cheese.  This farm ships all of it's excess milk to Mayfield Dairy for their milk and ice cream.
checking out his shoe covers
 a baby calf
 checking out the all the cows
 this baby calf took a liking to Cooper
 best friends
 he can't believe what he's seeing!
In front of the milking pens
 Watching cheese curds being formed
 tasting Jack cheese
 Milking a cow!
what a goof!
 Ms M's 1st grade class 2014-2015
 playing Duck...
 His turn to be chased
 That's my boy!!
 After the field trip, Cooper and I ran errands.  He asked to sit in the buggy ~ I told him he was too big, but he insisted!  This lasted about 2 minutes, then he agreed with me!
 Finally home to play with Reagan

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