Showing posts with label Self Portraits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Portraits. Show all posts

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Fire and Ice

Tonight was the local Girl Scout Council's annual Father/Daughter Dance.  The theme for the dance was Fire and Ice.  Each scout and their father was asked to wear red and/or blue.  I ordered Reagan 4 different dresses, and she fell in love with this one.
ready for her date
 Daddy and Daughter
 Greg and Reagan went out to dinner at Reagan's favorite restaurant (Taco Boy), then headed to the dance.  At the dance, they had cupcakes, ice cream and several other treats.  Reagan said they played a lot of good music...and this was the best night of her life!
Meanwhile, Cooper also planned a date night for me and him.  He wanted to eat at Sonic and have a milkshake.  Big spender, that one!
 we got the food to go so we could come home to the best part of the date...cartoons.  Seriously, if he treats all his dates this way, he won't have too many.  That may not be a bad idea!!!
When Reagan and Greg made it home, we finished off the evening with a family movie night.  We watched The Book of Life.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday Scenes

It was a busy Saturday for the Sandidges.  First up, Reagan attended a friend's roller skating birthday party (which meant I also attended & skated at the party).  Then, we picked up Cooper and Greg for lunch and to run some errands.  When we came home, the boys played indoor football and then we watched "Simon Birch" for our family movie night.
Reagan found that it was easier to roller skate with in-line skates than regular roller skates.  It was more like ice skates for her.
 This is us skating together before the big fall (mine, not Reagan's).  I'm bruised really good and am pretty sure I may have cracked my tail bone.  I believe it's time for a certain 41 year old to hang up her skates! 
 Cooper has discovered being a dj - he loves to wear his headphones for no reason at all!
 playing football in the basement
 he caught it!
playing center
We ended the night with dinner and a movie

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Fun on the First

We had a great start to the New Year!  We cleaned the house, did a little yard work, played a few games, went ice skating, and also had a quick/surprise visit from Mamaw, Papaw, Helen & Allen.
Cooper and daddy added an extra shelf to Reagan's bookshelf
 Cooper did take a little time to enjoy the cool weather
 back to work~Cooper was a little nervous
 a fun game of 4-square broke out in the garage.
 I played too, but had to take a few pictures...just because
 Today was the final day of Holiday Sk8 School for Reagan
 I joined Reagan on the ice for public skate
so sweet
 practicing cross overs
 practicing a 1 foot spin
 "come on slow poke!"
 she's getting so brave on the ice!
backward 1/2 swizzle pump around the circle
2-foot spin
turning 2-foot glide
backward 1-foot glide
just skating
Reagan taught herself a new trick

Happy New Year 2015

the whole family stayed awake to watch the ball drop!
 it's 2015!
 We had some "taste" as my Granny used to call it!
 Happy New Year!
Now, let's go to bed and get some sleep!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Party ~ 1st Grade

I was fortunate to be able to attend Cooper's Christmas party this year.
my sweet boy!
the class had a pancake breakfast party
talking with a friend
Cooper and Mom
playing build a snowman
Cooper won the first round
next was the face painting session...Cooper opted not to do this
instead, he played Heads Up with Ms M
his group then moved on to story time
they also played Break the Ice
Finally, Cooper was the bingo-caller
Ms M's 1st Grade Class
acting silly