Showing posts with label Spirit Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirit Day. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2010

Spirit Week - Monday

This week Reagan's school is having their biggest fundraiser of the year - Track Attack. Each child will walk for 40 minutes around the school's track and raise money either per lap or a flat donation (we'll be contacting you soon if we haven't already!). To celebrate this big event, the school is having a Spirit Week. Today's theme is Cougar Pride ~ each child was asked to wear a school t-shirt or an animal print.

Reagan did not want to have her picture made this morning ~ this is the best I could get.
Cooper, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get his picture made!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tacky / Kite Day

The theme for Cooper's room today was tacky clothing. Reagan's class was asked to bring a kite to school.

He looks very tacky in his blue, green & grey striped shirt with red shorts, black socks pulled up to his knees and tan shoes
Reagan was very proud to take her princess kite to school

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Red / Hat Day

In celebration of Week of the Young Child, today Cooper's class wore red and Reagan's class wore hats.

Cooper's shirt couldn't be more appropriate ~ it says "Say it LOUD"
Reagan was not excited about wearing her hat today. Seconds after this picture was taken, she took it off and wouldn't wear it any longer ~ she carried it to school. At least I got a picture!

Monday, April 12, 2010

PJ Day

This week, Reagan and Cooper's school is celebrating the Week of the Young Child. Today was wear your PJs to school day. Each class had someone from the college come read to them. They both had new pjs to wear and Reagan was sooo excited to wear hers to school!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hat Day

Friday was Hat Day at school. Cooper chose not to participate, but Reagan looked as cute as ever!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pajama Day

Not only is today Reagan's birthday, but it's pajama day at school. Reagan was having a hard time understanding how both could happened on the same day.

Reagan showing off her new cupcake pajamas
Cooper has new pajamas too
Finally, no fighting!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

In celebration of Earth Day, which just happens to coincide with the Week of the Young Child, the kids were asked to dress in green today.

A good picture of Cooper
A silly picture of Reagan
See how they shove each other out of the way?
Still fighting over who gets to stand in the corner
Mom and Cooper
Here's a discussion Reagan and I had this morning at breakfast:
Reagan: Mommy, why do you have 2 kids?
Me: Because that's how many God wanted me to have
Reagan: Because 3 would be too many?
Me: Yes, 3 would be too many.
Reagan: I love that baby.
Me: What baby?
Reagan: That baby Cooper.
Me: Oh, I love him too!
Reagan: Can I have a baby sister in your belly?
Me: You want me to have another baby in my belly?
Reagan: Yes like baby Cooper, but a sister.
Me: I don't think mommy's going to have another baby in her belly.
Reagan: I can put a baby sister in your belly ~ ok mommy, please!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

School Spirit Day

The theme for today was School Spirit Day, so each child was asked to wear their school shirts or a red shirt if they didn't have the official school shirt.

Miss School Spirit
they had been fighting over who got to stand where for the picture (Cooper obviously lost!)
Mr School Spirit

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tacky Day

This week, Reagan and Cooper's school is celebrating "The Week of the Young Child" with different activities planned every day. Today is tacky day, and they were asked to dress in some of their tackiest outfits! You should have seen some of the looks we (well I, because I'm the one who dresses them) got from the college students as we walked into school!

Fighting over who is the tackiest
Cooper in his tacky outfit Reagan's try at being tacky

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Fun

TGIF...Today was beach day in Reagan's class. They've been learning about the ocean all week, so today, they all got to bring their bathing suits, sunglasses, hats and towels and play in the ocean at school. She continued the theme at home too!

Ready for the beach...except for the cast
Play time with Cooper
Reagan can make Cooper laugh like no one else
More laughter from Cooper
Let's go play!

Blowing bubbles Drawing with chalk
Ready for his 1st ride in a big boy stroller
Reagan wanted to push her baby just like mommy. And she walked the entire neighborhood!
Checking to make sure her baby is alright.