Showing posts with label doctor visit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctor visit. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

9 Month Stats

Hard to believe, but Cooper will be 9 months old on Saturday. We had his 9 month check up originally scheduled for Friday, but due to unforeseen circumstances with Reagan (I'll get into that later), we moved his visit to Tuesday. He weighs 20.6lbs (50th percentile) and is 30 1/2 inches tall (95th percentile). Dr. Brooks said he is perfect in every way, and we couldn't agree more!

Who can resist this face or that hair?
He's trying to figure out a way to get up the stairs
Now, to Reagan's story...for the past few weeks (maybe months) Reagan constantly had her fingers up her nose. I thought, she's 3, that's normal right? Well, evidently not. Before we went to see The Wiggles on Saturday, I sat Reagan up on the counter to brush her teeth. She looked at the ceiling for some reason and I noticed something was in her nose. After much digging and crying ~ a sequin came out. And let me tell you, it was nasty! She must have gotten it from an art project at school and I don't think she put it up there on purpose. Anyway, for the past several days, she has had an odor coming from her mouth and nose area and her nose has had a discharge. So, I called the doctor and they wanted me to bring her in to see if there was anything else in her nostril. Dr. Brooks couldn't see anything and said the odor was normal, but if it persisted for more than 5 days, we would have to send her to an ENT doctor so they could get a better look at her nose. The joys of a 3 year old!!! By the way, Reagan weighs 31.8lbs.

Friday, May 30, 2008

6 Month Stats

Cooper turned 6 months old today and what better way to celebrate than by going to the doctor! He got 3 more shots today and Dr. Brooks said he looks perfect in every way. I couldn't agree more!
Here are the stats: Weight: 16lbs 14oz
Height: 30 inches

After all the shots and flirting with the nurses, a boy needs his rest
He's almost able to sit up by himself
Cooper is such a giggle box
He's getting better at posing for the camera
He's watching Reagan dance and loving every minute of it!