Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Bazonga (lasagna for those not familiar with Reaganese) causes this...

...so we have to do this...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rockin' It

The rocking chairs handmade by Papaw Carl (my dad's dad) are a favorite of Reagan and Cooper's. The love to see who can rock the fastest and the highest. Tonight was no exception.

Cooper would rather smile at the camera than race Reagan
Cooper still smiling ~ Reagan still trying to be the fastest rocker I won!
The rocking (and smiling) continued as it was time to put Cooper to bed
Reagan serenaded Cooper with "Rock a bye Baby" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

Prayer Girl

Sunday after church as we always do, Greg and I asked Reagan what she learned about in class. She told us she learned about "Mary and the baby Jesus". When we were having lunch Sunday, Reagan wanted to pray. Here is her prayer verbatim..."Dear Jesus, thank you for the Lord. Thank you that Mary had baby Jesus. Amen." How sweet is that? She is listening and absorbing everything she learns at Jesus' house and that makes Greg and me so proud.

Reagan received a pink princess Bible from a special friend for Thanksgiving. She likes to "read" it every day. She will sit at the table and look at the pages for what must seem like hours to her. The other day she told me, "this book is about God. It's all we know about God."
I love this girl ~ and I love that she knows Jesus.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa Crafts

Reagan made a Santa ornament to hang on the tree today.

making sure all the parts are there
sure hope this glue holds! finished product
Reagan and Santa

Santa in his new home ~ on the tree

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cartoon Coma


Cooper desperately needed a haircut...and today was his lucky day.

not to excited about where he's going
doesn't he look sharp?

Back at It!

After two weeks off from gymnastics (due to the holiday and a meet the following week), Reagan was ready to get back to her gymnastics class. She really has a great time there, has made new friends and gets to run some energy out!! Here are a few pictures from her time at the gym this morning.

Waiting patiently for her turn
lightening fast! Straddle stretches
Not sure why the pictures are blurry ~ using a flash, through a glass wall, moving subject...
butterfly stretches ~ when asked where she wanted to fly to, Reagan said she would "fly to see Santa"
Moving on to the balance beams

getting a little help from her teacher
she can do it all by herself
listening to the teacher

Monday, December 7, 2009

Lucky 13

December 7, 1996 ~ 13 years ago...Greg and I were married 13 years ago today! Hard to believe it's been that long. We've had a great 13 years ~ a few moves, a couple of kids, and just enjoying living life together ~ as much today as we did back then! I look forward to the next 13 years!

Photos courtesy of Reagan!!

Ho, Ho...NO!

We had planned to take Reagan and Cooper to see Santa this afternoon, but this is as close as we got!!

Neither child was interested in the jolly old man, so I didn't force them. Santa was very sweet and gave each of them a coloring book and said he would come by their house on Christmas Eve.

So, instead of seeing cute pictures with Santa, here are some photos of them playing at the mall.


Today was Greg's final doctor visit for his hand. He has been fired as a patient because his hand is doing so well. Dr B was very pleased with his progress ~ both in strength and in his ability to make a fist. Hopefully it will be a while before we have to go back to see Dr B ~ although there are signs that the Dupuytren's is beginning to rear its ugly head once again!

a completely straight/flat hand
a complete fist