Saturday, April 19, 2008

Reagan's 3rd Birthday Party

Reagan had her 3rd birthday party on Saturday. We celebrated with a Curious George theme and were so glad to have many of her friends come to help her celebrate the big event.

Reagan all ready for the party in her party hat
She even donned some sunglasses for the occasion
She wasn't too excited about wearing the George mask, although she wanted everyone else to put theirs on.
Eating pizza with her friends Anah & Sera
Opening some gifts...although she didn't spend much time on each gift, I know she's thankful for every gift she received and when she's not under pressure and in the spotlight, I'm sure she'll take more time to look at all her gifts this week.
She even got a movie about Curious George
At least she took the time to read her cards!
This is the backpack Reagan got from her Aunt Kim & Uncle Byrd
Are there any more gifts???
Reagan's great grandfather made her this potty chair. He's 82 years old and still woodworking. Reagan really liked her much so, she christened (and I do mean christened) the potty in the living room in front of all her guests!!
Eating her birthday cupcake. We had to light the candle 3 times so she could blow it out and we could all sing for her.
All smiles at the end of the party!! It was a great day!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Video is back

This is a video from a few weeks ago, but I've not been able to upload in quite a while. I was just testing the waters to see if the video portion would work again...and it does, so be on the look out for more videos of Reagan and Cooper.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Little Man

This is Cooper's first attempt at sitting up. He "sat" here for a few seconds and then did a nose dive into the bed. Not bad for a 4-month old.

Jump, Jump

Reagan loves to jump on our bed and look at herself in the mirror! Greg & I are getting her a mini trampoline for her birthday (hope she can't read this!) to try and save our mattress. But the way things look, I guess we're going to have to get her a full length mirror too!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Party Before the Party

Reagan was supposed to be taking a nap, but when I when to get her up, this is what I found. She had found her keepsakes under her bed from her first two birthday parties and decided to throw herself a little party instead of taking a nap.

Reagan is trying to blow up balloons for her naptime party Reagan put a party hat on Cooper and they were having some "cake"
Cooper is fascinated by the hat on Reagan's head
He loved the naptime party and can't wait for the real one next week!
Reagan said her baby, Judy, was being a bad girl and was in time-out, so she couldn't come to the party

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cereal Time

Cooper had his 1st taste of cereal yesterday. As you can see from the picture, he really enjoyed it. He couldn't swallow for smiling so big!
Not too bad for his 1st try at eating with a spoon.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sunday Smiles

Reagan and Cooper all smiles before going to Jesus' house Sunday. It's rare that I can get a picture with both of them smiling!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cooper's 1st Day of School

The day is finally here...I go back to work on Monday, so Cooper started school today (he only went for 3 hours, but it felt like an eternity). Things went pretty smooth this morning getting 2 kids ready until I got less than a mile from the school and Greg called telling me I had left Cooper's bottle in the refrigerator!! Oh well, that's why today and tomorrow are practice days!

Cooper all ready for his 1st day of school
Reagan said she would show Cooper the ropes at school
Cooper's teachers told me that Reagan came down to his room to check on him twice in less than 3 hours. She's such a great big sister. (She informed us last night that she's not a big sister, she's a princess)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Let's Get Ready to Tumble!!

Reagan wanted to get her picture made before she went to school today. She has her tumbling class on Wednesdays and that gets her out the door in a hurry (it also helps her take a nap during the day for which we are forever grateful!)

New to Him!!

We brought out one of Reagan's favorite toys when she was Cooper's age and he loves it too. Although his feet can't touch the ground yet, he managed to get all the way around the circle to see all of the toys in the exersaucer!
He's trying to figure out exactly what this thing does!

Reagan's Got the Blues

The lady at the pharmacy gave Reagan a lollipop yesterday and it turned her blue. She loved showing off her blue lips, blue teeth and blue tongue. Fortunately, it all came off in the bath!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

4 months...already?

Hard to believe, but our little man is already 4 months old. We went to the doctor today for a check up and he is the most perfect baby boy (Reagan is the most perfect girl, of course)! He now weighs 14lbs 15oz and is 26inches. He call roll over from his belly to his back, has started grabbing for his toys, and has the most precious smile that can melt anyone's heart!
Chewing on your thumb always makes the pain of shots go away!

This is a rare sight, Cooper with only 1 finger in his mouth, and it's his thumb

I've been told these are the same two fingers his dad sucked when he was a little boy

Still in a good mood after getting 3 shots today