Thursday, January 8, 2009

Snack Time

Snack time in the Sandidge house is one of the favorite parts of the day (and usually very messy now that a certain little boy likes to feed himself!)

Got milk?
Nilla Wafers are his favorite
Caught her with her mouth full!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Music Man

Cooper has taken a real interest in playing music lately. Here are a few videos showing off his talent!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Big Day

Cooper started in the 1 year old class at school today. He is the youngest in the class by 6 months, but you'd never know it. He is as tall as everyone in the class and I think he is as mean!! When I picked him up today his teacher, Ms Karen, said that he did really well ~ he sat at the table with the other kids and ate all of his breakfast, most of his lunch and all of his snack. He slept on a cot and took a 2 hour nap and was playing outside & having a great time when I picked him up this afternoon!

Cooper walked into class like he owned the place
See ya mom, I've got some playing to do!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Love This Weather

The weather was absolutely perfect today, and we took full advantage of it!

Cooper and daddy playing with his new dump truck
Every dump truck needs a load!
Playing hop scotch (notice the baby and the purse!)
Every one's in on the soccer game
Kick! (Again, baby and purse are right there with her)
I love this boy!
Playing in the sand box (once again with the baby and purse in tow)
Cooper may have eaten more sand than he made sand castles with!
So nice to see them sharing
Whee! Is Cooper trying to catch Reagan or keep her from coming down the slide?
Taking a break to catch his breath
Reagan wanted to play with the dump truck too! Actually, she was being a big helper and putting the truck back on the porch.

We're Done!

With bottles, formula and baby food that is!! Today was the official day that we threw the bottles in the trash can. Cooper has been eating table food since he turned a year old, but I just wanted to make sure he was getting enough nutrients, so I gave him a morning and an evening bottle with a little formula mixed with whole milk. Thursday was the 1st day he didn't have a bottle at all and he hasn't seemed to notice. We've not given him baby food in about 2 weeks (although I do have a couple of jars on hand just in case) and he's taken to table food like a champ. While he does have to look and feel of everything that goes in his mouth, most of it is getting into his belly!! My baby is a big boy now!

Dad is so excited to have counter space back
No more bottles to wash or prepare
The last bottle of formula was poured down the drain
Grinning from ear to ear thinking of all the money we'll be saving on formula (however, this is probably the most inexpensive time in their lives!)
I'm a little sad because this means my baby is a big boy now and there's nothing I can do to stop him from growing!
Showing off his sippy cup skills

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cooper...The Cleaner????

I appreciate the help, but... He played with the broom for quite a while today. Making sure all the crumbs were swept up after breakfast.

It's That Time Again

Time to bake!! Reagan received a silicone bake ware set from mamaw and papaw for Christmas, so we thought we'd try them out today. And as usual, Reagan had to dress the part ~ complete with apron, chef's hat and baking glove.

Checking out the new bake ware
Using the mixer all by herself
Next she had to use the spatula to make sure all the lumps were out
All the cups are filled (by mom to the great disappointment of Reagan)
Sneaking a lick when she thought no one was looking
Watching and waiting by the oven
Licking the beaters ~ just like mom did when she was a kid (OK, last week too, but who's counting?)
Ahh, I've waited all day for this!
Mmm, Mmm good

Friday, January 2, 2009

Good Friends

We got a call from our friends Ronnie and Shawn asking if we would like to come over for dinner. What a silly question ~ good friends, good conversation, good food, no cooking by me ~ of course we'd like to come!

Cooper having his pre-dinner dinner
"After dinner, I think I can get to that table when no one is looking!"
We enjoyed an excellently prepared meal
Reagan had some (2 bowls) chocolate ice cream after dinner
"Listen to me, and I'll teach you right!"

By the way, we discovered that Cooper LOVES clocks ~ especially ones that play the Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel!! He also became very fond of thermostats and Dreamsicle pie!

Cooper vs The Penguin

This isn't the video I originally wanted to post, but I couldn't get the other video to load ~ it must have been too long. Anyway here is a video that shows how much fun Cooper is having with his new penguin. Greg expects that we'll be getting notes sent home from school if Cooper does this to his classmates!! If I can ever get the other videos to load, I will.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

On New Year's Day, we decided to get out early and take advantage of some of the gift cards that were given to Reagan and Cooper for Christmas. We had a great time shopping and spending time as a family.

Enjoying marshmallows as daddy looks for a coat
Then we went to the mall playground. Cooper was in his element!
It was nap time, but you'd never know it!
Cooper is trying to keep up with Reagan climbing up the ramp
What can I climb on next?
Whee! Down the slide she goes
After lunch Reagan got to ride the Merry-Go-Round
She chose to ride on the Ostrich because, "they are very nice"
And finally, Reagan had a cookie for an afternoon snack