Friday, January 16, 2009

Fun with Cooper

While Reagan played in her castle, Cooper decided he would play with some of his (& Reagan's) toys that he never gets to play with because if Reagan is around, all the toys are hers and she had them 1st!!

Could he be the next Bobby Flay?
Such a cutie Can't I just play without you taking pictures all the time?
Mmm, Mmm good!
Doll stroller...nah
Reagan's trying to be helpful teaching Cooper how to play with his new book
Big smiles for supper ~ his favorite part of the night!


Today was Show and Share Day in Reagan's class. Someone must have brought in something princess related because that is all she talked about on the way home ~ "Am I a princess, mommy?", "Can I live in a castle?", "Are you a princess, mommy?", and on and on and on. So when we got home, I brought out one of her presents from Christmas 2006 ~ her princess castle!!!
She immediately had to change into her princess dress to go along with her castle
What's going on in there? To be a real princess, you also need a crown
So proud of her castle
Want to come play?
A few videos to show her excitement of being a princess and having a castle

Princess Reagan even joined us for dinner!!

Tub Time

Bath nights are always fun at our house. Cooper and Reagan both love to play in the water ~ and fight over tub toys!!!

He is so full of himself!
Reagan loves to put the toys to night-night with washcloths as their blankets
Payback for all those times she's hit him!
Such a sweet girl!
Testing out his new climbing skills
Almost got it
After bath, it's time to rock!
Playing puzzles with daddy

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hair Cut

Not only did Cooper get his haircut on Saturday, but I did too. I needed a little pick me up and thought short hair may do the trick!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let It Rain!

Reagan received a Scrap N Stuff Umbrella from Mamaw & Papaw Carpenter for Christmas this year, and today we finally had time and all the supplies needed to put it together.

Getting all the stickers, glue and papers organized
Reagan was very careful in choosing which stickers went where
The finished product. I really hope it rains this week so she can show it off to all her classmates. She's been telling Ms. Gomery about it since Christmas!

Cupcakes for Papaw Rick

Yesterday was my dad's 59th birthday (hope you don't mind me telling your age). Reagan really wanted to go see him, but we finally convinced her it was not a "trip day", but she could bake him some cupcakes in his honor. Say no more, she was ready to go! She picked out the cake mix and frosting at the grocery store all by herself. She decided papaw would like Vanilla Confetti cake mix with vanilla frosting.

Hygiene ~ important as always
Mixing the batter
Licking the spatula
Cooper wants some cake batter too
Helping her brother out
Can't believe she's sharing her cake batter (by the look on her face, she's not real happy about it!)
She had to lick the beaters too
Cooper enjoying Reagan's zest for baking
Not too many crumbs on the high chair!
A video message from Reagan ~ "Happy Birthday Papaw! I'm going to eat your cupcake!"
Yum, Yum!
This is so good

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Grocery Shopping

Cooper had a new adventure today - his 1st time grocery shopping. Why, you may ask, did I have my camera at the grocery store? It was just down the plaza from the haircutting place, I had it in my purse, so I couldn't think of a reason why I shouldn't take pictures in the grocery store. Bad move on our part ~ we left the house without snacks, so we had to open a box of Nilla Wafers in the store. Cooper probably had about 18 by the time we left, Reagan had about 10, Greg and I indulged in a few ourselves!!

Enough with the pictures, let's get some food!
Is she seriously taking pictures at the grocery store too?
Reagan trying to pick out a juice drink
The purple was her favorite
Decisions, decisions!
The grocery store was packed today as if snow was in the forecast. So while daddy and Cooper waited in line, Reagan and I played with the animals.
Cooper wanted his turn playing

Why haven't you brought me here before?


Cooper went for his 2nd (professional) haircut today. Things started out really well ~ all smiles and giggles. He even touched the clippers with his hands...but when the clippers touched his head, let's just say we put the camera down!!

All ready to go
The very first touch is all I was able to capture on film!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just Because...

They're so darned cute (and I love them)!

What's Up With This?

Cooper seems to have an ever increasing fascination will all things cleaning. He loves brooms, mops, paper towels and wet wipes. Let's hope some of this rubs off on his sister (and dad) and continues when they're old enough for me to appreciate them to do the cleaning.

Found the Swiffer
Cleaning up the mess in the kitchen
On to the living room floors...
Is that a cookie I taste?