Friday, July 24, 2009

It's Early, I Know...

...but it's never too soon to plan a party! Especially when it is Cooper's 2nd birthday party!!

When: Saturday, November 28th
Where: Cooper's house

More details to follow!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bubba's Back

Bubba came back for an overnight stay before heading to other parts of the state tomorrow for work. Reagan and Cooper were very excited to see him!

Watching out the window as he walks up the driveway
Cooper ran and jumped in his arms and was ready to go outside and play (if only it wasn't 7pm and raining!) Reagan had some homework to do for school. Her assignment was to draw a crocodile beside water. She did a fantastic job!
For completing her homework without a fuss, she got to paint her toenails purple!

A Little Backwards

Cooper wearing a tiaraAnd Reagan playing with cars

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday Morning Photo Shoot

As we do most days, today Reagan and Cooper got their pictures made before school. Reagan agreed to do it even though she said she "didn't have on a beautiful dress that spins". Cooper just wants to be included in anything Reagan does.

Reagan and mommy
Cooper wanted to join usMommy and Cooper
"What is she yelling at?"
Let's both scream!!
These 2 have me wrapped around their little fingers
After breakfast this morning, Reagan and I had a conversation. This is how it went:
Reagan: "Mommy, feel my belly"
Mommy: feeling her belly "Wow"
Reagan: "My belly is fat"
Mommy: "It's not fat, it's just full!
Reagan: "Well, your belly is fat"
Mommy: "Excuse me?"
Reagan: "When I get big, I want to have a big belly like yours"
Mommy: "I worked hard for my big belly!"
Reagan: "Your belly is good and big!"
Mommy: "I think it's time for you to go and play"...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Stroll

After dinner, we decided to talk a walk around the neighborhood.

Princess Reagan on her princess bicycle
Cooper getting the royal treatment too!Cooper making sure Reagan wasn't too far behind
They giggled the entire way around the block
Wow, she's growing up fast!
I love my family!

Sunday Morning

Cooper was the only one willing to get his picture made before church this morning ~ Reagan said she had had enough. Oh well, what do I expect from a girl who has had at least 10 pictures (and most of the time even more than that) taken of her daily since the day she was born!

Acting silly with dad
After church with mom

Pink Pancakes

Once again, Reagan was in a baking mood. Today, she made us all pink pancakes for breakfast.

Measuring out the Bisquick
Next is the milk
Picking out just the right, of course
Making sure it is mixed just right
Now the waiting begins

Saturday, July 18, 2009

BAM Reunion Luau

Tonight was our Life Group's reunion meeting. The original life group has multiplied into 3 groups, so once a quarter all 3 groups get together for a time of fun, fellowship and good food.

Reagan couldn't wait to go to her friend's house and go swimming
Cooper befriended Mr. Gary from the moment he got out of the vanJumping in the pool to daddy
Cooper taste tested the water for everyone
I bought Reagan a new ring float for the occasion
Cooper was fascinated with the waterfall
Cooper borrowed a ring float from a friend
He also tried out the big float
Cooper had a great time in the pool
"Say Cheese"
Reagan was a big girl and swam almost the entire night
Cooper found his way back to Mr. Gary
Reagan getting a little help from Mr Duane on the slip-n-slide
She decided the army crawl was the best technique for getting down the slide
checking to see if anyone notices him getting some chips
All the kids are getting instructions for a game...Reagan is still swimming
Time to eat!
Cooper talked Mr. Gary into taking him down the slide
Whee! (click on the picture to see the big grin on Cooper's face!)
Trampoline time
Cooper jumped in safety on the outside, while Reagan jumped inside
Getting some air!
Cooper stayed with Gary 99% of the night, even reaching for him while I was holding him. He ate dinner with him and wouldn't let him out of his sight! It was so cute ~ and even better to know that Cooper is social with people other than me and Greg.
Reagan didn't want to leave at the end of the night. She even asked Duane if she could "please come back and swim sometime" with no prompting from anyone.