Sunday, August 23, 2009

Silly Sunday

Just a few moments captured on Sunday.

Reagan and dad enjoying some quality time together
Wonder what he's up to Getting a closer look at the TV viewing options for tonight
He really believes he can take the Jeep for a spin ~ literally
Using the remote control for the Jeep
Ending with one of the sweetest smiles on Earth (Cooper has the other!)

And So It Begins

Reagan received a catalogue of Halloween costumes in the mail this week and she has looked at it every day since. She can't decide if she wants to be Bat Girl, a ballerina, Spider Girl or Little Bo Peep. Thankfully (or not) we still have 2 months until a decision has to be made!

Decisions, decisions
this looks like a good one Even Cooper's getting into the hunt for the perfect costume

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday Fun

Today started with a family date at the IHOP. Then playing at the mall and to Chick-Fil-A to have lunch and some ice cream!

Getting ready to slide
Cooper's turn to slideWhee!

Climbing on the tires

So cute!

Going to the store with Reagan and Cooper
Waving to all his fans!
Driving the dump truck
Cooper's turn to drive
Taking turns

Cooper loves to eat ice cream
Reagan enjoyed her ice cream too
How sweet is this? I think this is the 1st time they've ever walked and held hands
They walked the entire length of the mall and outside to the car holding hands
The hand holding continued in the car on the way home

School Days

showing off her tattoo on her arm she received for good behavior at school
Why will they never smile when they are in the same picture together? Dancing before schoolReagan's homework ~ she had to illustrate two rhyming words...we chose me & bee

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Snack and Play Time

Cooper enjoying his ice cream sandwich ~ cut in pieces because he's such a messy eater!
Reagan enjoying her ice cream sandwich Doing the sign for "MORE"
Their new favorite activity - Cooper is the baby and Reagan is the mommy
She loves to rub his fuzzy head
Time to ride bicycles (yes, he has on different clothes from dinner because as I mentioned earlier, he's a messy, messy eater!)
Reagan riding her princess bike
Trying to decide if they want to pet the neighbor's dogs
Reagan did!!
Cooper giving the dog a few instructions
Back to the bicycles

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to School

After a week with Gigi & Bubba, it was back to school today for Reagan and Cooper. I was worried that they would have a hard time adjusting back to school, but it was no problem for either of them. Reagan was greeted at school by 3 of her friends with big hugs and them asking her if she wanted to play with them ~ of course she did, so she was off and running with a simple blown kiss and bye mom! When I took Cooper to his class, he looked a little confused as to why he was there, but it wasn't long before he was pointing me to the door and saying bye! I think I was the only one who was sad to be back in the normal routine.

Ready for another week of school
Cooper is so excited to go back to school, he's dancing!Showing some sibling love
Reagan loves to rub Cooper's soft head
Cooper was all about getting kisses from Reagan
How sweet is this?

Our New Best Friend

Cooper loves, loves, loves to open and close the refrigerator door. He opens the door and cleans out the refrigerator and shuts the door. Then, he opens the door and puts everything back in. He repeats this "fun" many, many times a day. We had put a child proof lock on the door from Babies R Us ~ but it was no match for Cooper. He broke it in less than 3 days. So now, we have a bungee cord wrapped around the door handles. Let's see how long it is before he figures this out!