Friday, June 10, 2011

The Final Game

Cooper's team, the Black Indians, played their last t-ball game tonight.  He has had so much fun playing this season ~ and I've had fun watching him!  

Cooper had a collection of rocks and was fiercely guarding them
Reagan was there to support her brother
warming up
throwing to coach Cody
Cooper's 1st at-bat
On 1st base
He scored a run
A congratulatory hug from Reagan
going after a ball
what a big smile!
He got the ball
Look mom, I caught it!
thumbs up!
the black indians team
taking practice swings
2nd at-bat (watch him closely as he runs to 1st base!)
On 3rd base
High-five from Coach Cody after scoring
Reagan wanted to give him a hug after he scored, but Cooper hugs just a little to hard! (gotta love his face in this picture)
He caught another ball
thumbs up again!
Congratulating the red indians on a good game
Coach Cody asked who loved playing baseball ~ Cooper does!

School's Out for Summer!

Today was the last day of school...the last day of kindergarten...where has the time gone?

Reagan before school this morning
She is so beautiful!
Remember this sweet little girl in August?
Seems like only yesterday she was being so brave for her 1st day of school!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

One-on-One Lessons

Tonight, Reagan and Cooper started one-on-one swimming lessons.  The director decided that they needed to be split up in order for both of them to learn to swim, they each have their own teacher.  How cool is that?

Cooper doing the freestyle stroke

Reagan LOVES her teacher
she even swam the backstroke by herself for a few strokes (before realizing her teacher had let go of her!)
Cooper practiced the backstroke too
swimming back to the side
catching a ride
learning to dive
now it's Reagan's turn
see, I told you she LOVES her
swimming in 9ft water ~ ALL.BY.HERSELF!!!
Cooper jumping off the starting block
Reagan jumping off the starting block

Kindergarten Awards Day

Reagan's class had their awards day program this morning.  The kids sang a few songs and were each presented with an award that best suited them!

waiting for the program to begin
Ms A's kindergarten class 2010-2011
My sweet Reagan
Reagan and Emma ready to sing
the "Good Morning Song"
She wasn't in the mood for having her picture made today
Reagan's turn to receive her awards
Reagan received the "Most Inquisitive" award
She also received the "Super Speller" award
Ms A gave each child pictures so they would never forget kindergarten
Next, the kids sang "You Are My Sunshine"
Then, they sang "Slip Sliding Away"
Reagan and Emma with Ms A
I received a special gift from the kids ~ I volunteered most Fridays to help the kids with reading.  They signed this poem in their "very best handwriting"
The teachers gave me this charm bracelet for my help.
Reagan has had a fantastic year and will certainly miss Ms A next year.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Swim Practice

Time again for Reagan and Cooper's swimming lessons.  They were a little more timid tonight than they have been.  Not sure what's up with that!  Greg says my children are going to hate me for putting them through this!

getting into the COLD water
practicing the back stroke
swimming back to the side by herself
Cooper learning to kick his legs
going back to the side of the pool
if Reagan doesn't put her head in the water like they ask her, she'll get a cup of water poured on top of her head!
practice, practice
jumping off the starting block