Cooper is now 2 years old! Reagan & I sang "Happy Birthday to You" this morning and he seemed to enjoy it, but when Greg sang to him tonight, Cooper kept saying, "SHHH, no dada". Maybe it was his voice!! Cooper had a party at school with his friends and then a trip to the doctor's office for a check up.
Surprise! It's my birthday!
He liked it when Reagan and I sang to him. He would say, "I two, I two" Reagan wanted her picture made this morning too
Tonight, we celebrated Cooper's 2nd birthday with a Two-Two Train theme. We had pizza, spaghetti & cupcakes. Thanks to all our friends and family for celebrating our special little boy's birthday. We are so proud to be Cooper's parents ~ he is truly a blessing from God. His smile can light up a room and his personality can fill it!
The party supplies
Balloons were placed on the mailbox Table decorations
A perfect use of Cooper's name train
We had a sign made in his honor
The kids' table
Cupcake cake #1
Cupcake cake #2
"Let's get this party started!"
He even had a special train cup
Keira, Reagan & Cooper ~ enjoying their pizza
Is there more?
Papaw, Mamaw, & Ms Deb
Mr Gary & Mr Ronnie came to celebrate with Cooper
A sword ~ now he doesn't have to use the vacuum cleaner attachment!
A bulldozer from mamaw & papaw
The Fulton's and Cooper
A Magna Doodle from Ginger & Alan
Handy Manny
A Bubble gun from Ms Beth
All the kids enjoyed the gun
I love the expression on his face in this picture
Reagan thought Mr Ronnie needed a good bubble shower
Time to blow out the candles
finger lickin' good
Reagan liked the cupcakes too
Cooper even cleaned up after himself!
Cooper trying to wipe her hands on Ms Shawn & Daddy
Ms Deb helping Cooper wash his hands with soap
Ms Deb, Seth, Kim & Cooper
Cooper, daddy, mommy & Reagan
After the party, the girls cheered for the TN Vols