Wednesday, March 31, 2010

80 degrees

The weather forecast was 80degrees for today, so Reagan decided it would be a great day to wear a sundress!
Cooper wanted no part of short sleeves today, but I'm guessing with the temperature expected to reach 85 tomorrow, he'll change his mind!

When they got home from school, Cooper made a bee-line for the sand box
Speaking of bees, this is the only picture I could get of Reagan outside this afternoon. She saw & heard a couple of bees buzzing around and begged to go inside. She stayed in the screened in porch for a little while, but then decided she would be safer inside the house ~ far away from the bees!
Cooper, on the other hand, was running around trying to catch the bees. It was so fun to watch him run and listen to him laugh as he ran in circles after the bees. He kept saying, "here bees, I catch you? Where did they go?"
He tired of catching bees, so on to the wheel barrel he went.
If all else fails, just carry your equipment!

What else can he find to play with?
How about a cement truck!

He filled the mixer of the cement truck with leaves

The weather is supposed to be great all weekend! We're looking forward to it!

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