Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Exactly 1 month from today ~ Reagan will be 5 years old. She is so excited, she can't hardly stand it. She tells me everyday that she will be 5 in 1 month. Though tonight, she broke down in tears and said that it was "taking too long to get to be 5" and she "wants to be 5 now!"

Me...I'm not ready for her to be an "official" big girl. I can't believe she will start kindergarten in August. I asked her if she just wanted to stay 4 and be my little girl forever ~ but, she said, "no, I'm already big and I need to be 5 so I can ride the school bus to my big school".

Where does the time go?

Have you ever seen a cuter girl on her 1st birthday?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just really can't believe she will start school in August!!! Oh my!! She is going to be just as cute on her 5th birthday though! And don't worry, she will be your little girl forever........
