Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Reagan

Today, my first born turns 5 years old. On April 23, 2005, Reagan Leigh Sandidge was born at 12:38am weighing in at 7lbs 9oz and was 21" long.

It was a Friday night, and as usual for the last 6 months of pregnancy, Greg and I ate Mexican food, then came home to settle in and watch a movie. Except that I couldn't get comfortable. I wasn't in any pain, I just wasn't comfortable. So I took a shower and by the time I got out of the shower, I was in pain. Greg called the hospital, they told him to come on over, but there was no need to rush because it wasn't a "fire drill"...this was our first baby and I would probably be in labor for the next 12 or so hours. We didn't have a bag packed ~ it was a week before her due date and "everyone" said the baby would be at least a week late because this was my first baby.

20 minutes after my shower, we were on the way to the hospital, and I couldn't even sit down in the car on the ride there ~ I had to face backwards, sitting on my knees hugging the back of the seat. By the time we arrived at the hospital, I was asking for drugs, but alas there was NO time. Are you kidding me, I sell (ethical) drugs for a living and I couldn't get any when I needed them most!! They weren't even able to get an IV in me. The doctor came in the room trying to put on his gown and just said "push". Two pushes later and the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen was born!! We had been at the hospital for less than 20 minutes and we had a baby ~ how does that happen!?! We didn't even have a camera with us (I know, can you believe that!). Greg had completely forgotten that he had left the car in the Emergency Room pull through until about 2 hours later! It all happened so fast! What a night! What joy the last 5 years have been!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the last 5 years. Trust me, there are plenty that I didn't upload...this is only a small fraction of the pictures I have taken!

After her 1st bath ~ just hours old

Look at that head of hair!

1st bath at home
She loved to read from an early age

Dedication Sunday
1st Halloween

Love the hair in this picture
1st Christmas

She loves her sunglasses
1st Birthday ~ Princess Party
2nd Birthday ~ Barnyard Animals

3rd Birthday ~ Curious George (aka George the Monkey)

Love that smile!
Ravishing Beauty
She loves her purse ~ it has gone everywhere with her for the last 3 years
She's allergic to dextramethorphan ~ found in cough syrups
She has my heart
She never lost one hair on her head
She loves her cousin Keira
She loves being her daddy's princess
She loves to play secret garden
She had her 1st broken bone at the age of 3

She loves to bake
She loves to do crafts, especially with Ms Deb

She likes to have her picture taken (most days!)

She loves acting silly with her brother
She LOVES milkshakes
She loves to go to shows with mom!
4th Birthday ~ Disney Princess Party

Happy 5th Birthday Reagan ~ mommy and daddy are so proud of you!
We love you very much!
I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.
I Samuel 1:27

I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14

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