Just wanted to capture some of the cute conversations I've had with Reagan over the past few months before they leave my memory.
I was putting on lipstick in the car one morning...
-Mommy, why are you putting on lipstick?
-I want to be beautiful.
-Beautiful like me?
-I could never be as beautiful as you!
Riding home from school one afternoon...
-Are we home yet?
-Yes (sarcastically)
-No we're not.
-Then why did you ask?
-Oh, I'll just wait and ask when we get home!
Reagan's class had been discussing what they want to be when they grow up...
-Mom, why do we have to be something when we grow up?
-Well, you can be a doctor, a teacher, a mommy, or anything you want to be.
-I don't want to be anything, I just want to be a plain ole kid!
We've been having quite a few discussions about heaven lately...
-Why do we go to heaven when we die?
-Because that's where Jesus lives and heaven is perfect.
-I don't want to go to heaven, I like Earth. I'll just stay here.
More heaven discussions...
-Why is heaven better than earth?
-Heaven is perfect, everybody is happy and no one is sick.
-I think earth is good.
-Earth is good like ice cream, but heaven is perfect like ice cream with sprinkles.
-What if I don't want to have sprinkles on my ice cream?
We were having a discussion about having another baby...
-Reagan, would you like another baby brother or baby sister?
-Why would I want that?
-Would you like another baby brother or baby sister to play with like Cooper.
-No, I'm the sister and Cooper's the brother. That's all a family needs.
12 hours ago
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