Sunday, October 16, 2011

Visit to the Farm - Part 3

After the corn maze, a picnic, and playing on the playground ~ it was time to see some of the farm animals.

petting the bunny
 watching the chicken laying her eggs
 trying to catch a rooster
 I can't believe she actually petted one!
 He chased roosters all day long
 if you look close, he has the rooster by the tail feathers.  He was trying to pull a feather out!  He said he wanted to take a feather home for his collection!  Poor rooster
 feeding the goats some leaves
 Reagan fed the goats too ~ will wonders ever cease!!
 a 3-week old calf
 petting the baby cow
 Greg told Cooper this is where his chocolate milk comes from!
 he wanted to pet the pigs so badly
 Reagan found some corn to feed the goats
 we went on a nature trail hike
 you can tell a good day by the nap on the way home!  (Reagan was asleep too, but I couldn't get a picture of her)

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