Monday, October 10, 2011

Wheels on the Bus (and Truck and Bike)...

Cooper's class went to the Apple Orchard today.  It was his first field trip where he got to ride on a bus.  We had to place the car seat in the bus this morning ~ and I thought it was a perfect opportunity to take a picture!  Ms D said the class was absolutely perfect and well-behaved for the entire trip!

Cooper picked out the seat where he wanted his car seat to go

 another mom offered to take a picture of the 3 of us
 Cooper brought home a bag of apples
 He was so proud of the apples he picked
 After school we played outside again today
Cooper found a beetle
 Reagan just wanted to ride her bike
 look at that sweet face
 for some reason, the love to yell while playing ~ look at her mouth...
 ...and his too
 Discussing something very important, I'm sure!
 What's up?
 Cooper wanted me to take a picture of the leaf he found

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