Friday, May 9, 2014

REAL Soccer

Cooper had a make-up soccer game the rain.  His coach told them they were "real soccer players" now because they've played in the rain!!  Cooper did great!  He scored 3 of the 5 goals for his team!!  They would've won...if we kept score!
side kick
 throwing the ball in
 I think he thought he was playing football for a moment!
 getting in on the action
 turning the ball his team's direction
 blue team wins!
 yeah, yeah, yeah!
since it was raining, the next age group up didn't have enough players show up, so Cooper was asked if he would like to stay and play with the big kids.  
 they were bigger than him, but he played his heart out!
 Coach Chris giving a half-time talk
 Go Cooper!
 he's not scared to go up against the big kids
 ...and win!
 After the soccer games, Cooper and I came home to join our small group Bible study in progress.  After the Bible study, we had a small birthday party for Maggie, who turned 6!
the party favors were a hit!
 Happy Birthday Maggie!

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