Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pajama Day

Not only is today Reagan's birthday, but it's pajama day at school. Reagan was having a hard time understanding how both could happened on the same day.

Reagan showing off her new cupcake pajamas
Cooper has new pajamas too
Finally, no fighting!

Birthday Breakfast

Today is Reagan's 4th birthday!! In honor of her special day, I tried to be creative with her favorite breakfast ~ pancakes.

Pancakes in the shape of an R and a 4
Reagan loved her pancakes
Happy Birthday!
Cooper enjoyed Reagan's birthday pancakes too

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Prayer

I was finally able to upload Reagan's class singing their prayer before lunch

Earth Day

In celebration of Earth Day, which just happens to coincide with the Week of the Young Child, the kids were asked to dress in green today.

A good picture of Cooper
A silly picture of Reagan
See how they shove each other out of the way?
Still fighting over who gets to stand in the corner
Mom and Cooper
Here's a discussion Reagan and I had this morning at breakfast:
Reagan: Mommy, why do you have 2 kids?
Me: Because that's how many God wanted me to have
Reagan: Because 3 would be too many?
Me: Yes, 3 would be too many.
Reagan: I love that baby.
Me: What baby?
Reagan: That baby Cooper.
Me: Oh, I love him too!
Reagan: Can I have a baby sister in your belly?
Me: You want me to have another baby in my belly?
Reagan: Yes like baby Cooper, but a sister.
Me: I don't think mommy's going to have another baby in her belly.
Reagan: I can put a baby sister in your belly ~ ok mommy, please!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

School Spirit with Chuck E Cheese

Today was also our make-up day for the fundraiser we had scheduled at Chuck E Cheese a couple of months ago when it snowed. The kids had a great time!

Cooper trying to decide what he wants to do first
Reagan chose to slide first
Not sure why she's started sticking out her tongue in pictures
Finally, a good smile
Cooper riding the Teletubbies ride
Calling Chuck E Cheese with some advice
My you have big ears!
Reagan's turn to ride with Chuck E Cheese
Trying to win some tickets
Over-handed skee ball ~ it might work
That's better!
The best part of the night was when daddy surprised us and showed up!
Cooper riding the Ferris wheel
Ride 'em cowgirl
Daddy and Cooper driving NASCAR
Cooper wants to win some tickets too
Pizza time!
Trying her aim
Owen and Reagan
Cooper wanted to drive a car by himself
Reagan watching Aydan and Owen play air hockey
Shooting the water gun
Daddy showing Reagan the correct way to play skee ball
Picking out a prize for all her tickets

Lunch with Reagan

During the "Week of the Young Child" activities at school, parents were invited to eat lunch with their child one day this week. Today was my day to eat with Reagan. Ms Sandy fixed us a delicious meal of tacos, corn and peaches ~ although Reagan said it was not her favorite meal, her favorite meal is french fries and applesauce!

Washing hands before eating lunch Showing me where the paper towel dispenser is so I can use it too
Hayden and Reagan
Ethan, Meliah, and Ella
Parvenae, Owen and Aydan ~ Owen's mom came too, but she didn't want to be in the picture
Mom & Reagan
Prayer before eating
(I had a really cute video of the kids singing a prayer, but it wouldn't upload...I'll try again later)

Let's eat!

Trying to smile with her mouth full!

School Spirit Day

The theme for today was School Spirit Day, so each child was asked to wear their school shirts or a red shirt if they didn't have the official school shirt.

Miss School Spirit
they had been fighting over who got to stand where for the picture (Cooper obviously lost!)
Mr School Spirit

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tacky Day

This week, Reagan and Cooper's school is celebrating "The Week of the Young Child" with different activities planned every day. Today is tacky day, and they were asked to dress in some of their tackiest outfits! You should have seen some of the looks we (well I, because I'm the one who dresses them) got from the college students as we walked into school!

Fighting over who is the tackiest
Cooper in his tacky outfit Reagan's try at being tacky