Saturday, August 29, 2009


It was a sunny afternoon, so we decided to take the kids to the backyard for some Vitamin D ~ the natural way!

Playing in the sand & water table
Reagan's trying to touch the top of the umbrella Cooper carefully watches Reagan's every move
Cooper lined up all of the sand box toys on the sidewalk and didn't want any one to touch or move them!
Raking the yard
Mr. Serious
And, the fighting begins!
Cooper lost
Shooting some hoops

Thursday, August 27, 2009


WARNING....the pictures that follow are not for the faint of heart.

Greg had his follow up appointment today and everything went very well (um...almost everything, but I'll get to that in a minute). The doctor told Greg that his hand was more involved than what he thought it would be and that the insides were like concrete. But, he's very pleased with the outcome and expects a full recovery if Greg does his therapy.

Bandages removed
Just a few stitches and a few open woundsOK, now for the thing that didn't go so well. I was doing great when the bandages were removed, taking pictures and talking about the care that Greg would need from me over the next few weeks (speaking of care...I actually had to give him a bath this morning and wash his hair ~ for better or worse; in sickness and in health, right!). Anyway, when the nurse came in to clean Greg's wound, he started wincing in pain and I couldn't stand to see him hurting. So, I felt the back of my neck getting warm and my knees getting weak and I needed to sit down. Then I needed to lie down and get cold. Somehow I became the patient and Greg got off of the table so I could lie down!!! I never did pass out, but if I hadn't of gotten cold at that moment, who knows what would have happened!

Greg said he couldn't let this opportunity to take my picture pass by ~ all's fair in love and blogging I guess

We go back to the doctor in two weeks for stitch removal and fitting for a splint. Wish Greg luck that I can change his bandages and not have to "get cold"!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Surgery Day

Today was the big day. We arrived at the hospital 2 hours before scheduled surgery time to have a few pre-op things taken care of, then onto surgery for Greg and the waiting room for me. The surgery lasted about 2 1/2 hours and the doctor believes it was a success. We go back for a follow up appointment tomorrow ~ and that's where the fun begins...therapy starts tomorrow~whoo hoo!

Greg all smiles getting blood drawn
The phlebotomist is laughing, but is Greg?Pre-op done, awaiting the doctor to come in with the happy juice!
Happy juice in place! While no crazy conversations took place in my presence, the nurses said Greg had them in stitches before surgery and during recovery. They all agreed that I had my hands full with him ~ if they only knew!
In recovery ~ eating for the 1st time in about 18 hours
Let's go home!
Taking a little snooze on the way home
I got my camera out to take a picture of Reagan inspecting Greg's boo-boo, but Cooper wouldn't get out of the way until I took his picture first. Here he is saying "Cheese"
So the moment I wanted on film was delayed because of a certain 20 month old, but here is the after shot of Reagan and daddy
Not really needing another reason for attention other than his cuteness, here's Cooper trying to get some sympathy points!

Praise the Lord for a successful surgery. Let the road to recovery begin!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Say a Special Prayer

Greg's hand surgery is Wednesday at 12:30. Please pray for him and for the surgeon performing the operation. I'll post pictures tomorrow to Greg's dismay! He'll be on pain meds ~ what will he care?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Normal Day

Starting the week off again...back to school~no pictures this morning as Reagan was not in the mood and all Cooper wanted to do was go outside. After school, it was time for dinner, baths and then play time.

Cooper eating Cheetos for the very 1st time
They both had grilled cheese sandwiches in funny shapes (if you think round's funny) and Cheetos. Don't judge my parenting skills, they at least had milk to drink!!And for making happy (clean) plates, they were rewarded with homemade chocolate chip ice cream
Cooper has taken after Reagan and loves to "swim" in the bath
Say cheese!
She wanted a picture taken all by herself!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Silly Sunday

Just a few moments captured on Sunday.

Reagan and dad enjoying some quality time together
Wonder what he's up to Getting a closer look at the TV viewing options for tonight
He really believes he can take the Jeep for a spin ~ literally
Using the remote control for the Jeep
Ending with one of the sweetest smiles on Earth (Cooper has the other!)

And So It Begins

Reagan received a catalogue of Halloween costumes in the mail this week and she has looked at it every day since. She can't decide if she wants to be Bat Girl, a ballerina, Spider Girl or Little Bo Peep. Thankfully (or not) we still have 2 months until a decision has to be made!

Decisions, decisions
this looks like a good one Even Cooper's getting into the hunt for the perfect costume

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday Fun

Today started with a family date at the IHOP. Then playing at the mall and to Chick-Fil-A to have lunch and some ice cream!

Getting ready to slide
Cooper's turn to slideWhee!

Climbing on the tires

So cute!

Going to the store with Reagan and Cooper
Waving to all his fans!
Driving the dump truck
Cooper's turn to drive
Taking turns

Cooper loves to eat ice cream
Reagan enjoyed her ice cream too
How sweet is this? I think this is the 1st time they've ever walked and held hands
They walked the entire length of the mall and outside to the car holding hands
The hand holding continued in the car on the way home