Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Surgery Day

Today was the big day. We arrived at the hospital 2 hours before scheduled surgery time to have a few pre-op things taken care of, then onto surgery for Greg and the waiting room for me. The surgery lasted about 2 1/2 hours and the doctor believes it was a success. We go back for a follow up appointment tomorrow ~ and that's where the fun begins...therapy starts tomorrow~whoo hoo!

Greg all smiles getting blood drawn
The phlebotomist is laughing, but is Greg?Pre-op done, awaiting the doctor to come in with the happy juice!
Happy juice in place! While no crazy conversations took place in my presence, the nurses said Greg had them in stitches before surgery and during recovery. They all agreed that I had my hands full with him ~ if they only knew!
In recovery ~ eating for the 1st time in about 18 hours
Let's go home!
Taking a little snooze on the way home
I got my camera out to take a picture of Reagan inspecting Greg's boo-boo, but Cooper wouldn't get out of the way until I took his picture first. Here he is saying "Cheese"
So the moment I wanted on film was delayed because of a certain 20 month old, but here is the after shot of Reagan and daddy
Not really needing another reason for attention other than his cuteness, here's Cooper trying to get some sympathy points!

Praise the Lord for a successful surgery. Let the road to recovery begin!

1 comment:

Cosey Family said...

I'm glad Greg's surgery was successful. I pray his therapy will be too! Tell Greg I LOVE the PINK arm prop!!!!! Did he pick that color while under the influence maybe?????