Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's Getting Cold Outside

Fall is in the air around here. This week, we've had to bring out the new jackets and start wearing pants and long sleeves.

I'm surprised how easy it was to get them to wear jackets
Screaming for the camera
Reagan wasn't too happy with her outfit because it wasn't "all pink"Cooper looks so cute in his pants and long sleeves!

Behavior Balls

For the past 4 weeks, Greg & I have tried a new behavior "program" with Reagan. We wanted to encourage/reinforce good behavior and reward her for it. Every time she shares, doesn't whine when being told to do something, does something after only being asked to do so once, does her homework, no time outs at school, etc, she gets to put a ball in the jar. Once the jar is filled (about 200 balls), she can pick a prize from the prize box. The first prize she has been working toward is the Wedding Barbie and Ken dolls. Today, the jar was finally filled (thanks Ms Connie for behaving at school!) and Reagan got her prize!!
Putting the last ball in the jar
The jar is full!So proud of her prizesAdmiring her new toysShe even got some bling-bling for herself

She played with these dolls all night
I told her to hold them like they were getting married and she turned them as if they were kissing each other! Reagan said they were getting married because she wanted a baby in her belly and you have to be married to do that!Let's hope the next prize out of the prize box is as successful as this one!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sweet Surprise

Today for my birthday, Greg and I spent the entire day together. It started with a trip to the doctor's office for a follow up appointment for him, and then he made the rest of the day all about me! We went to lunch and then shopping where Greg bought me a couple of new suits for work.

When we got home, Greg, Reagan & Cooper had a surprise birthday party waiting for me!

Reagan picked out a "Birthday Princess" crown just for me.
Reagan said I was the birthday princess, she was the princess and daddy and Cooper were just boys!
Reagan picked out the menu ~ pizza, of course She even picked out the plates, cups and napkinsThey even bought me my favorite flavor of cake ~ Red VelvetReagan enjoyed the cake almost as much as I did Cooper picked up and ate his piece of cake like it was a cookieSo good!
Reagan was licking the icing off her lips ~ she said her belly needed more icing!
Thanks to my family for a wonderful birthday!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Monday will be my 36th birthday, and I must confess ~ today I pulled a gray hair out of my head. I was hoping it was a very, very blonde hair that would have a dark root ~ not so lucky this time! What is happening to me? Is it all down hill from here? I need to get to the salon and quick!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 28

4 weeks post surgery. The hand looks a little rough this week ~ old skin is dying, new skin is growing (biology, it's all around us!)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Remembering 1st Birthdays

How sweet are these pictures?

Reagan's 1st birthday
Cooper's 1st birthday

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Kim!

Happy birthday to my sister, Kim!!

Who wants to wish Kim a Happy Birthday?...

I do!
I do too!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Super Saturday

Our Saturday was extremely busy this week. We started off the day at the IHOP for our weekly family date (if you remember, these started out as daddy/daughter dates, but Reagan decided she likes the whole family to go out with her) and then we ran some errands. Next, Reagan and I went to a party at my friend Crystal's house and then on to grocery shopping. Later, we went to the Science Center and saw the Spider Monkey exhibition. And last, but not least, we went to our friends' Duane and Jessica's house for a TN vs. FL football party. Here are a "few" pictures of our day.

A family photo before leaving
Here is Reagan and Alex (Crystal's baby) She loved rubbing his head just as much as she loves doing this to Cooper I prayed and prayed for this baby before he came into the world. Reagan said she would like to take him home so Cooper could be a big brother. The Spider Monkeys Watching the monkeysMany of Reagan & Cooper's classmates were also at the exhibit Daddy and Cooper watching intently

The monkeys were very active and had great personalitiesOnto the football party. Cooper checking out baby EdenThe Gator Section
Reagan didn't waste any time hitting the snacksCooper and Natalie playing the drums Is it legal to arrange marriages? Please score Tennessee!More snacks...this time it's celeryCooper going solo on the drums this timeLet's hope this is just a phase!All the kids were very good and played well togetherReagan took her turn on the drums
This was the scene for a minute or two...until Cooper decided to play drums on Reagan's head!Finally, a head he can rub!!
Go Vols!
Doing a little home repair while at the party We're all still friends even after the game!!