Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Behavior Balls

For the past 4 weeks, Greg & I have tried a new behavior "program" with Reagan. We wanted to encourage/reinforce good behavior and reward her for it. Every time she shares, doesn't whine when being told to do something, does something after only being asked to do so once, does her homework, no time outs at school, etc, she gets to put a ball in the jar. Once the jar is filled (about 200 balls), she can pick a prize from the prize box. The first prize she has been working toward is the Wedding Barbie and Ken dolls. Today, the jar was finally filled (thanks Ms Connie for behaving at school!) and Reagan got her prize!!
Putting the last ball in the jar
The jar is full!So proud of her prizesAdmiring her new toysShe even got some bling-bling for herself

She played with these dolls all night
I told her to hold them like they were getting married and she turned them as if they were kissing each other! Reagan said they were getting married because she wanted a baby in her belly and you have to be married to do that!Let's hope the next prize out of the prize box is as successful as this one!

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