Friday was Reagan's last day in the Ladybug Class at school. They celebrated their growing up by having a picnic and Popsicle party! Reagan was so excited for her picnic ~ that's ALL she talked about all week (and a little bribery from mom: "if you don't nap, you can't have a picnic on Friday" - bad parenting, I know, but naps are crucial to our evenings going well!). Reagan asked me to pack her a great lunch ~ a peanut butter sandwich, chips, cheese, crackers, juice in a green cup with a purple straw and blue tape with her name on it (she's very specific with her instructions) and a banya (banana in Reaganese). I'm really going to miss Reagan being in this class, I love her teachers and they really love her. She has grown so much this year and I'm sure I'll be typing the same thing this time next year when she's leaving the Curious Cricket class!
Here are a few pictures from Reagan's picnic
Having fun in class
Ansley and Reagan
Getting ready to slide
Reagan, Kelsey, and Caroline
Picnic time
Look how much fun they're having
Popsicles with Laney, O'sirus and Caroline
Ms. Christian and Reagan
Ms. Lisa and Reagan
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