As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
An Early Birthday Gift
Today, I took a day off work and Reagan & Cooper took a day off from school to go have lunch with Greg for his birthday. His birthday is actually tomorrow, but the weather is supposed to be nasty, and I didn't really want to drive and hour and a half each way in the rain!
We ate lunch at a little cafe near Greg's office and they had a playhouse for the kids to play in while we waited for the food
Checking things out Playing together as brother and sister should Serving me lunch "Such a beautiful day!" Lunch time with daddy After lunch, Cooper went for a ride on daddy's big tractor He was grinning from ear to ear So much fun! Tried to get a picture of Reagan & Cooper with daddy in his office, but Cooper was having NONE of it!After a nap on the ride home, attitudes were back to normal ~ so we took advantage of probably the last warm day we'll have this year
At least he's not pouring it in his mouth this time! Carrying chalkMy little graffiti artist He wrote all over the side of the housePlaying secret garden
Cooper loves all things chalkHe really gets into his workHe really, really gets into his work! He had chalk from head to toe and every place in between ~ literallyOn to the trucks Reagan moved on to the slide Trucks are good for more than just hauling... Whee Time for a little bike ride See me?My two precious babies!
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