Monday, October 19, 2009


It's official, the flu has hit the Sandidge house. We got a call from school today saying that Reagan had a fever, wasn't feeling well, and needed to be picked up. Luckily, Greg had the day off work because he had a follow-up appointment for his hand (which, by the way, is progressing quite nicely. One more visit and he should be released ~ praise the Lord!). But, the appointment was in Charlotte and he wasn't able to pick up Reagan for a couple of hours. So, she sat and slept in the make-shift infirmary, with Ms Connie until Greg could get to her. When I got home, I took her and Cooper (just in case) to the doctor...and there were positive tests for the flu for both of them. Dr B said that they assume it's swine flu because the seasonal flu season hasn't begun yet. Cooper appears to be on the upside of things since he was sick Saturday and Sunday ~ trust me, you'd never think the boy would test positive for the flu if you could see him! So...hopefully Reagan's sickness will be over just as quickly as Cooper's was.

Napping on the couch ~ you know she's sick if she's napping!
Poor thing! Look at her sick little eyes This was the thermometer reading before she went to bed tonight ~ 103.5

Please say a prayer for our sweet little girl, that Cooper's finished with it, and that Greg and I don't catch this bug.

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