This afternoon (and into the evening), our
BAM group had a pool party/cook out. Not really to celebrate anything other than having fun together!
Reagan and Cooper in the pool with dad

the kids love the hot tub

the race was on as to who could swim to dad the fastest

the moms talked and stayed cool in the water

everyone played in the water

Cooper's frog kept him afloat

by the end of the day, we were able to leave Cooper in the pool with his frog while we sat on the deck

the gang getting ready to eat

my little burrito

the kids enjoying their meal

don't judge the lunch - hot dog and corn puffs!

Dinner time

after lunch, the guys played a game of
Frisbee ~ or something like that

Cooper didn't waste much time getting back in the pool after lunch

sweet Reagan

the gang's all here

Mommy and her boy!

Reagan wanted no part of the family photo!

his big smile allowed him to drink A LOT of pool water today!

testing the waters without her ring

big splash after jumping in

goofy boy!

Reagan was not feeling the camera today

Greg and Natalie played together all day

Finally, a half smile

a little better

After a lot of swimming, we roasted marshmallows

Greg showing Reagan the proper technique

Of course, Cooper had to have a turn too

Reagan and Natalie decided it was quicker to eat the marshmallows straight from the bag

sneaky, sneaky

back to the pool ~ Reagan saw how well Cooper could swim with his frog, so she tried it out for herself. The verdict ~ she would like a pink one!

Brandon keeping the smoke out of his eyes!

Cooper found the marshmallow bag

Cooper had a marshmallow facial

Playing a little music

Happy Memorial Day!

Cooper jumping in the pool
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