Showing posts with label Reagan Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reagan Story. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More Conversations with Reagan

We have some very interesting conversations while putting Reagan to bed every night...
Reagan: Mom, If I'm ever bad and in the back of a police car, would you come get me?
Mom: Yes I would, but you better never do anything to end up in the back of a police car.
Reagan: OK, I'll try to have good behavior.

We were discussing birthdays and whose was coming up next...
Reagan: Mom, how old will you be on your birthday?
Mom: 37
Reagan: Don't be 37, your going to be old and die.
Mom: Do you think 37 is old?
Reagan: That's a really big number, bigger than mine. I wish God would stop making us have birthdays, I just want to stay a kid~like 6 years old!

We had been discussing how to be a good friend to people. We had also had a discussion while on vacation about my mamaw living in heaven. After gymnastics last week, I told her that I was proud of her for being a good friend...
Mom: Reagan, Mommy is so proud of you for being a good friend and helping Julia today. That makes God really happy when you help your friends.
Reagan: And Jesus, and Moses and your mamaw in heaven are happy too?
Mom: Yes, they are!

Another bed time conversation...
Reagan: Mom, is there a baby in your belly?
Mom: No, why? Do you want another baby in mommy's belly?
Reagan: No, me and Cooper are all the babies you need. We have enough.
Mom: I couldn't agree more!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Conversations with Reagan

Just wanted to capture some of the cute conversations I've had with Reagan over the past few months before they leave my memory.

I was putting on lipstick in the car one morning...
-Mommy, why are you putting on lipstick?
-I want to be beautiful.
-Beautiful like me?
-I could never be as beautiful as you!

Riding home from school one afternoon...
-Are we home yet?
-Yes (sarcastically)
-No we're not.
-Then why did you ask?
-Oh, I'll just wait and ask when we get home!

Reagan's class had been discussing what they want to be when they grow up...
-Mom, why do we have to be something when we grow up?
-Well, you can be a doctor, a teacher, a mommy, or anything you want to be.
-I don't want to be anything, I just want to be a plain ole kid!

We've been having quite a few discussions about heaven lately...
-Why do we go to heaven when we die?
-Because that's where Jesus lives and heaven is perfect.
-I don't want to go to heaven, I like Earth. I'll just stay here.

More heaven discussions...
-Why is heaven better than earth?
-Heaven is perfect, everybody is happy and no one is sick.
-I think earth is good.
-Earth is good like ice cream, but heaven is perfect like ice cream with sprinkles.
-What if I don't want to have sprinkles on my ice cream?

We were having a discussion about having another baby...
-Reagan, would you like another baby brother or baby sister?
-Why would I want that?
-Would you like another baby brother or baby sister to play with like Cooper.
-No, I'm the sister and Cooper's the brother. That's all a family needs.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Girls' Night Out

The BAM girls got together last night for a little fun away from the men and kids. We had a great time eating dinner and catching up (as if we don't see each other at least twice a week!)

Before I left home Reagan asked where I was going. Here's how the conversation went:
Reagan: "where are you going mommy?"
Me: "I'm going to meet some girls. I'll be home later and I'll check on you in your bed"
Reagan: "will you check on me about 2?"
Me: "Probably won't be that late, but I'll definitely come check on you"
Reagan: "Can you go meet some boys too?"
Me: "Not tonight sweetie ~ it's just the girls tonight!"

L-R: Jessica, Barbara, Jill, Cathy, Miki, Cheri, Dot, Amy, & me
Thanks to the fellas for taking care of the kids and letting the women get out and have a little time to ourselves! We love you for it!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Question of the Day

"Mommy, does God love chocolate? I sure do!"
and it shows!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas from our house to yours. We woke up this morning to a white Christmas (so it is left over from the snow last week, but we are still having a white Christmas none the less!). The kids opened their presents and played until lunchtime and then took a nap. Here are a few (many more on the camera!) shots from our day.

The view from our front porch
Look what Santa left ~ a all in one nursery and achoo baby a Barbie RV Camper
and a Razor Scooter for Reagan Cooper was left a Lego Fire Station HouseA Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and a GeoTrax Safari Train set
coming down the stairs to see what Santa left for them

Santa ate all of his cookies and drank all the milk

Taking care of her new baby

trying out the scooter

Hooking on the caboose

I got some red velvet cake from Santa
Of course, Cooper wanted to play with Reagan's toys In the stocking were some stamps & stamp pads to add to her collection a water ball pink, blue & purple fingernail polish
Cooper got some high bouncing balls in his stocking

Feeding the baby again
Reagan got some fingernail stickers in her stocking
Maybe he should ask Santa for a baby doll next year He loves to ride horsey on my back
Reagan wanted to try out Cooper's toys too
Playing together
Santa sent Greg a new Rick & Bubba CD
taking the baby's temperature
Hanging with dad
back to playing

A Christmas message from Reagan
A dance from Cooper
And, a few quotes of the day from Reagan ~ "this is the best gift ever!", " just what I always wanted!", "Santa is the best!", "Daddy, you're not Santa. Don't say Ho, Ho, Ho!", " He must have loved my cookies", "Hey I had that first!", "Mine", "No, Cooper. Go away".
Merry Christmas everyone!