Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The cast is off!! We went yesterday and Dr. Peckman said Reagan has lots of new bone growth and he is pleased with how well she has healed. Reagan was a little nervous about getting the cast taken off. Greg and I never told her that it was going to be "cut" off, but someone at school must have. Before the nurse took off the cast, Reagan kept saying, "Don't cut it off, it's not safe. It's not safe!" Considering that Reagan is 3 and she had a very loud saw coming at her, she did exceptionally well.

Let the cutting begin
Prying the cast open
Reagan said her cast was breaking like an egg
She can't believe it's gone! Reagan had to wear an apron to get xrays takenHere's our souvenir Reagan got a princess necklace for being such a brave girl (she also got a pink milkshake, but I couldn't drive and take pictures of that too!) She still holds her arm like it has a cast on it ~ she didn't want to get her arm wet in the bathtub

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