As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
We ventured out into the almost EIGHT, yes 8, inches of snow this morning for some play time.
Cooper walking very carefully
Reagan's ready to goA brief stop for a pictureCooper wanted to mow the snow
daddy showing Reagan how to make the perfect snowball Snowball fight! Greg threw the first snowballIt didn't take Reagan long to get him back Cooper wanted to join the fun Preparing bigger and better snowballsReagan thought she'd see if she could mow the snow any better than Cooper could Such joy! Father/Son Fight Reagan tried to make a snow angel, but the snow had a layer of ice on it and it didn't work out too well Trying to hit mommy with a mound of snowSo much fun Gotcha! Who is he going to get next?Brother/Sister fight (look how they're both standing on top of the snow ~ they weren't heavy enough to break the ice) Throwing more snow
I'm going to get you!
Laughter Clearing off the toy boxMonkey see, monkey doBuilding a snowman
The snowman didn't turn out too well ~ not the right kind of snow
Mom got to play in the snow too! My two favorite menMom and ReaganTake 2After playing in the snow, we went down to the road and played in the slush(picture out of order) Look at the size of that snow massNow, the real work beginsWork for Greg anyway!!
Thanks for coming to visit snow ~ you may go away now!
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