As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Twas The Day Before Christmas
A few of the activities on Christmas Eve 2009.
Baking cookies for Santa
Putting flour on the cabinet Rolling out the doughMaking fun shapes with the cookie cutters Love watching these little hands at workMother / Daughter fun
Batch #1Batch #2Goofy girl! Putting sugar on the cookies Next comes the sprinkles "you're doing a great job!"
ready to bake Hot out of the oven
Reagan has redecorated the house a little ~ she moved Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus into the toy room... ...and the angels into the bathroom Next, we had a birthday party for JesusCooper and Daddy No party would be complete without party hats
and cake
and ice cream Reagan and Daddy singing Then, we went to church for the Christmas Eve Service. Showing some sibling love Mommy & Cooper trying out the timer on the cameraFamily portrait before church Playing in the kids' area
Such a sweetie Cooper found him a new girlfriend since Natalie was out of town Lover boy! Family portrait after churchNew Christmas PJs Showing the full length view
This was the best I could get of them in their coordinating pajamasPutting Santa's cookie table in just the right spot Isn't he just so cute?
Reagan & I hung the stockings (they haven't been up until tonight because of a certain 2 year old in the house that thought they were fun to swing from!)
Getting Santa some chocolate milkReagan was so proud of the cookies and the platter she made to put them onWe received a gift from Ms Kim tonight ~ our own Santa family for the tree
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