Thursday, August 26, 2010

The First Day

Today was the day....Reagan's first day of kindergarten. She was so excited this morning. She woke up bright and early, but had to ask a couple of questions ~ "do kindergartners watch cartoons?" and "can kindergartners eat biscuits for breakfast?". After breakfast, she dressed herself, combed her hair and then asked me to help her with her hair bow.

Ready for her first day
giving dad a hug bye
"I can't go with you today buddy, I'm in kindergarten now"
Walking into school
going down the hall to her classroom
Ms A offered to take a picture of me and Reagan this morning
Getting right to work
I think she was a little annoyed with all the pictures
Reagan and Emma are classmates!
Her friend Aydan also goes to her school, but in a different class. As soon as they saw each other they ran and gave one another a BIG hug!
I picked her up from school today ~ she looked so sweet (and little) waiting outside for me
She had a great day ~ Ms A said she had very good behavior and she could tell Reagan was going to be an excellent student!
After school, we went for a special treat at Chick-fil-a
She was being so silly!

  • When we went to the orientation Monday, the PTA was selling t-shirts with the school's mascot on it ~ a red cougar. I asked Reagan if she would like me to buy her a shirt and she said, "No, it's not pretty, it's red. Maybe I'll wear one when they get pink ones!"
  • Last night, we were going over the school menu...
Mom: "Reagan would you like to buy your lunch at school or take it in your lunchbox?"
Reagan: "Are we going somewhere to eat?"
Mom: "no, you can buy your lunch at the school."
Reagan: "They have a restaurant at my school?"
Mom: "Well..."
Reagan: "I want to eat at the restaurant at my school! Yes, eat at the restaurant!"
  • This morning as I was getting ready to leave Reagan in her class, I asked if I could have one more hug. Reagan said, "I gave you one already, don't you remember?"
  • When I picked her up, I asked what she learned at school today. She said, "I'm not telling you, it's kindergarten stuff." When Greg asked what she learned, she told him "we learned some pretty hard stuff today!"
  • I asked what she had for lunch today..."I had ravioli, corn, I didn't eat my peaches, bread and milk. They have the BEST milk ever!" She commented to Greg about how good the milk was too!

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