Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with Mamaw and Papaw

On Saturday, we drove to Soddy-Daisy to celebrate Christmas with Mamaw and Papaw. Reagan and Cooper enjoyed playing with their grandparents and all of their cousins.

Resting before the festivities begin
Daddy and Reagan smiling for the camera
Reagan and Keira had lunch at their own table
Papaw, Cooper, and Daddy enjoying lunch
Mandy, Andy, Byrd, Kim & Megan eating a delicious lunch
Reagan, Cooper, Megan, Joshua and Keira
Papaw and Mamaw with all their grand kids ~ Cooper (1), Keira (3), Megan (18), Reagan (3) and Joshua (2 months)
Time to open the gifts
Reagan patiently waiting to open her gifts
Ripping the paper off her gifts
Daddy helping Cooper get through the packaging
A new baker's kit ~ just what she wanted. Once she opened this, she was ready to bake ~ right then and there!
Finally, Cooper now has a doctor's kit of his very own! Will this stop the fighting? I doubt it!
Tackling the Wobble Penguin
Meet Reagan & Cooper's new cousin ~ Joshua (Keira's little brother)
Using his new hammer

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