Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wrapping It Up

Reagan's class is having a Christmas party tomorrow. The kids all drew names and were to get each other a coloring/activity book and crayons (all the same gift so there would be less fighting). We went shopping earlier this week and got Aydan his gift ~ a Curious George activity book and crayons. Ms Gomery wanted each child to wrap the present themselves, so that's what we did. A roll of tape later...

Getting just the right amount of tape
Most of the tape didn't land on the seams...she used it as extra decoration!
Getting it just right
She enjoys being independent (me, I still want her to be a little girl)
All done!
(Fuzzy picture...I don't know if the loaner camera was just a better camera or if this one still isn't fixed to my standards)

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