Thursday, December 18, 2008


Our word of the day today is frenulum ~ the membrane between the upper lip and the upper gum. Why do we know this word? Cooper!! He was moving furniture today at school when he fell and tore his frenulum. I took him to see Dr. Brooks and he said had the laceration been anywhere else on his body, it probably would need stitches, but the mouth has an amazing ability to heal itself and it should be completely healed within 1-2 days. And his teeth are bruising of the gums, no wiggly teeth. Whew!!

Here's Cooper trying to show you his frenulum
Does this look like a child that had a traumatic day?
Smiling as always
So much fun in the bathtub
What a fake smile!

By the way, Cooper now weighs 24.2 lbs. A 2 pound increase in 17 days. Table food and whole milk does a body good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is in real pain...ha.ha. Kids are so amazing. I also learned a new word--thanks Cooper!