Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's Official

Reagan is officially a big girl now. She bought her very own princess bicycle today with the birthday money she had been saving (ok, so she didn't know she was saving it, but she sure was glad she did!). She had been asking for a bicycle for several weeks now and when we pulled up to the store, she almost flew out of her princess seat knowing what was inside!

Every bike rider must wear a helmet ~ princess helmet of course (enough pictures, let's ride!)
And she's off! Isn't she cute?
Notice she's wearing shorts ~ Greg convinced her that she would go faster if she didn't wear a dress!
I love my family!
Cooper doing his job ~ mowing the road for all the neighbors
Dad keeping a watchful eye on his princess
Cooper had to check the oil
He should have done his repairs before he left the house!
A little boy's work is never done
He is fascinated with all things cleaning (brooms, vacuums, paper towels, dust cloths, etc)

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